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Wellhead Equipment

Casing head connections for above and below your BOP. Built to ANSi/API specifications.


Down-Hole Tooling

Drill-string adapters and accessories for versatile down-hole solutions.



Flanged adapters on demand, the connections you that you have been searching for.



Studs, gaskets, and fittings for your plumbing needs.


Cementing Equipment

Many sizes and connections in stock; shoes, collars, centralizers, top plugs, and stop rings.

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Terms & Conditions

Goods, new or used, are sold 'as-is'.  Customer agrees to be solely responsible for, and will hold HDP harmless from any claims, regardless of their basis, by Customer or third parties that may arise from the goods after delivery, except for replacement, repair, or refund of the purchase price at HDP's option or as provided in any warranties extended & honored by the manufacturer.

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